Amidst the glittering lights and festive cheer this Christmas, it's time to reflect on the true essence of the season! Our theme, "A Fresh Start," emphasizes that Christmas is more than a season of gift exchanges—it's a spiritual opportunity for renewal.

In light of this, why don't you join us for two special events. Firstly, experience the soul-stirring melodies of our Carol Service on Friday, 22nd December, at 7 pm. Let the melodious tunes and timeless carols echo the joy and reverence of the season. Then, on Christmas Day at 10 am, join us for a short service celebrating the birth of Jesus—the ultimate gift and a symbol of hope.

You are also welcome to our Sunday services throughout December at Gateway House, John Wilson Street, Woolwich, London, SE18 6QQ, starting at 10am.

Let's come together to celebrate the profound significance of Christmas—a time for a fresh start, embracing hope and love. Your presence will enrich our celebrations as we collectively rejoice in the timeless message of Christmas.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!