New Wine Church (aka New Wine International) is fully committed to fulfilling our safeguarding responsibilities in a way that honours Christ and satisfies our stakeholder obligations.

We maintain a safeguarding policy that applies to everyone who works on our behalf with children, young people, their parents / carers and adults at risk of abuse whether trustees, senior leaders, group / ministry leaders, paid staff, volunteers, or others working on our behalf.

Our safeguarding policy is anchored on the following principles:

  1.  Everyone who engages with our church community has the right to be protected from any form of bullying or harassment,  exploitation or abuse and we will seek to ensure that we provide a caring and nurturing environment that is open and  transparent and that promotes the raising of concerns with senior leaders.

2.  We have a particular responsibility to protect and promote the wellbeing of those who are vulnerable; particularly to children, young people and adults at risk of abuse; ensuring they are safe while in our care and that we respond appropriately to  disclosures or indicators that they are experiencing abuse or neglect while in our care or elsewhere.

3.  Every member of our church community has a responsibility to act to support the values and commitments outlined in our safeguarding policy.

Our policy, including procedures and practices are focussed on ensuring the following:

  1.  Ensure that we provide a healthy, nurturing, and protective environment for everyone who engages with our church community.
  2.  Ensure that every member of our church community is protected from harm and abuse and that if abuse is identified, it is handled effectively, promptly, and proportionately.

3.  Ensure that our trustees, staff and volunteers are clear about their responsibilities and duties and are supported to competently and confidently fulfil them.

4.  Support the development of an open and transparent culture that listens to the views and wishes of every member of our church community and supports the raising of concerns and complaints.

5.  Provide leadership and accountability for every member of our church community in relation to safeguarding.

Our full safeguarding policy is available by clicking on the button below or from our Church Office via the following contact details:

Telephone:    020 88 555 888