Thank you for giving today. We are already blessed by God and it is from the abundance of this blessing that we give back to Him.  

As you fill the form, kindly include as many of the details below as possible (this would be of immense help administratively):

    1. The Campaign/Initiative you are giving towards.
    2. Your Reference number/Giving ID (If applicable) and lastly.
    3. The reasons for donating in the message section (if necessary).

If you would like to give by bank transfer, (to HQ, Woolwich) kindly use the following details:

    Account Name: New Wine International
    Sort Code: 20-98-57
    Account Number: 10546720
    Swift / BIC Code: BARCGB22
    IBAN number: GB84BARC20985710546720
    Reference Number: "Church Reference Number / Donor ID" (If applicable) and "Last Name"

4. Finally, remember to select "Claim Gift Aid" if you are completing the form to give an offering, your tithe or a gift / donation towards an initiative. This would enable your giving to reach further with no additional expense to you.

Thank you for being a generous giver.