New Wine Church's 30th-anniversary theme, "Fresh Start," aimed to transform lives. Here is a summary of the feedback from 97 respondents across various age groups:

  •  58% found the church effectively integrated the theme into activities.
  •  A majority rated the theme's contribution to their pursuit of God, new man experience, personal development, family life, ministry, and vocation as significant (ranging from 39.58% to 49.48%).
  • 72.45% of respondents had been in New Wine Church for more than seven years.
  • 63% of respondents were female, and most didn't specify their location.
  • The video and PDF documents above gives a detailed account of the report.
Overall, our participants lauded the "Fresh Start" theme's impact, expressing gratitude for the survey opportunity.

In summary, the "Fresh Start" theme served as a catalyst for spiritual growth, personal transformation, and a deeper connection with the Christ. As a church, we anticipate continued fulfillment of our spiritual needs,  this year for God's glory.