With fuel prices going up, energy bills increasing and businesses closing down, it is clear to see that we all need the wisdom of God for prudent living in these times. Inflation is announced and recession is declared, but the Bible assures us in Job 22:29 that where there is a casting down, for us, there is a lifting up - our case is different and we are not part of the statistics.

In light of this, our team of financial experts over the course of the following weeks, invite you to engage with a series of video seminars, with the theme: ‘Rising Above Recession.’ These uplifting yet equally educational videos will inspire you to live above the alarming financial predictions, overcome financial difficulty and ‘rise above recession’.

Things to expect include: 

  • Highlighting the support available and practical steps that you can take to remain ‘financially buoyant’.
  • Advice in upskilling, support for businesses, widowers, single parents, pensioners and people without recourse to public funds. This will be backed up with Biblical teaching that will address fear and lethargy, and promote creativity.

You may be reading this and feel that you are already financially content and thus do not see the urgency of what has been addressed above. If that is the case, this initiative is also for you!

Whatever your financial circumstance, you will receive useful advice, relevant to your situation. Be encouraged to make a decision to reduce your financial burdens and receive recession-proof financial strategies.

Click on the buttons below to find out more and about how this initiative could be of benefit to you.